General and Family Dentistry

Comprehensive Care From Your Sterling General Dentist

General dental services are ones that help keep your teeth, gums, and mouth healthy and clean. In addition to good oral health, general dental services also help promote beneficial overall health.

It’s important to schedule regular dental appointments for all family members of all ages to include exams, cleanings, and x-rays with your Sterling general dentist. Dr. Ibraheem Samirah of Community First Dental will will provide quality dental health by offering his professional expertise, assisted by the best dental technology, and doing so with a compassionate, cost-conscience treatment style that fits your schedule.

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General Dentistry Solutions

Keep your overall health at the forefront by obtaining regular general dentistry services. Here are some Sterling general dentistry services:

Comprehensive Exams

When you come in for your routine comprehensive exam, Dr. Samirah will conduct a thorough dental assessment with the assistance of digital intraoral scanners and X-rays. This ensures your dental health is at its peak. Dr. Samirah will also assess if any specialized dental treatments are necessary during this examination.

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Oral Cancer Screenings

Dr. Samirah also offers oral cancer screenings. Oral cancer screenings consist of him checking your mouth for any pre-cancerous or cancerous conditions. The reason for this is to catch any mouth cancer conditions early and then prescribe the proper treatment regimen for it.

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Traditional x-rays help to identify any cavities or other issues that may require treatment. X-rays such as digital, panoramic, or CBCT scans offer a 2D and 3D visual for a more in depth look at what may be causing your underlying issues.

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Dental cleanings are necessary for proper dental hygiene. Dr. Samirah and his team use digital ultrasonic scaling products and intraoral cameras to provide patients with a comprehensive cleaning to ensure that the teeth, mouth, and gums are thoroughly clean by the end of the appointment.

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Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride treatments may also be used to promote good oral health. These treatments help to prevent cavities by supporting healthy tooth enamel and warding off bacteria. Fluoride treatments are often applied on children’s teeth during their visit and on adult’s teeth when needed.

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Mouth Guards

If you play sports or have a habit of grinding or clenching your teeth, known as bruxism, a mouth guard may be prescribed. Mouth guards help to protect your teeth by preventing contact between the upper and lower portions of your mouth.

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If you need anesthesia for a dental procedure, Dr. Samirah and his team can provide this dental service for you. Anesthesia, such as nitrous oxide, may be offered for dental procedures in order to reduce anxiety during cavity fillings and other services.

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Sleep Apnea Treatment

A detailed mouth appliance called a Splint can be prescribed to prevent teeth grinding and keeping one’s airway open during sleep to provide proper airflow and breathing habits.

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Emergency Care

Not every dental visit can be planned. When you need an emergency care visit, such as for a broken tooth or painful toothache, Dr. Samirah is here to provide you with the responsive care you need with same day appointments as well as after hours.

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